Payment redirection
Payment redirection

Whilst mostly applicable for corporate clients, personal clients also need to be aware of payment redirection scams. These involve a fraudster who has successfully changed the account details for an expected payment. Examples include:
- A telephone call is received from a regular supplier with new account details.
- An email is received from an employee with new account information for their salary payments.
- An invoice is received via email from a gardener for some work that has been completed.
If fraudsters have compromised the recipient’s systems (e.g. by gaining access to their computer or their emails); they can change account numbers on invoices, send emails pretending to be the recipient or use the information they have gathered to socially engineer the victim on the phone.
Protect yourself from Payment Redirection
- Always validate new account information with the recipient directly. The best method is to call the person directly using contact information you have on record.
- Always examine email instructions. Fraudsters may change email addresses very slightly to appear like the genuine person. Check the tone and grammar of the email is what is usually received from the recipient.
- If a corporate client, embed a robust payment authorisation process with separate entry and authorisation duties to ensure correct validation of the payment has taken place.

Different ways criminals contact victims
Criminals might try to contact you via phone, email, text message or in person.

Protecting yourself from investment fraud
Be vigilant of investments that seem too good to be true. Always do your research.

Protecting yourself from identity fraud
Criminals try to impersonate victims to steal money. You can protect yourself.

Debit & credit card fraud
Protecting your debit and credit card data is crucial in the fight against fraud.

Impersonation fraud and cloned firms
Fraudsters often impersonate others when trying to steal your money and data.

Romance scams
Fraudsters often start romantic relationships with victims in person of via dating apps and websites.

Cheque fraud
Make sure you don’t fall victim.
Becoming a client
Take control of your finances today by completing our enquiry form. Alternatively, you can call us on the number below and one of our team will be more than happy to talk about your future.