Reciprocity and stability

Two of our key business principles, reciprocity and stability, rely on recognising our own responsibility to make a positive societal impact.

Climate change is an important topic for clients and investors alike. In parallel, inclusive growth and the impact organisations have on society are increasingly a focus, and more than ever, organisations are being held accountable for their impact. We focus on how we can improve to build a future that delivers growth, sustainability, and inclusion.

Our responsible business initiatives enable us to monitor and measure our impact by considering the impact of our practices and outputs across five pillars: governance, clients, colleagues, community, and environment.

Our pillars

Promoting transparency, integrity, and accountability

The bank operates to high standards of corporate accountability with an effective Board and Board committees. This, together with the role and overall holding of Sir Henry Angest, the ultimate majority shareholder, and compliance with PRA and FCA regulations and with those of the London Stock Exchange Alternative Investment Market and the Aquis Exchange, is fundamental to our success as a business.


Human right commitments

The bank is committed to operating in an ethical manner, and ensuring the relationships we have with all our stakeholders adhere to high standards. These are reflected in both our Anti-Modern Slavery Policy and in our Supplier Code of Conduct. We are committed to finding and reducing the risk of slavery or human trafficking in every part of our supply chain.

Our London headquarters relocation in 2024 presented us with the opportunity to review and reduce our environmental impact. Scope 1 and 2 emissions are managed through energy efficiency and renewable energy sourcing.

We are also reviewing our waste management; we currently send zero waste to landfill and will be making efforts to further reduce the waste we produce. Our new London premises is BREEAM rated excellent.


20 Finsbury Circus London

Helping our clients go further

At Arbuthnot Latham, we are committed to helping our clients navigate the complex world of sustainable investing. Our experienced wealth managers can help you understand these and other environmental, social and governance (ESG) and socially responsible investment terms and develop a personalised investment strategy that aligns with your values and goals.


Sustainable Model Portfolio Service

The purpose of our Sustainable Model Portfolio Service is to provide an investment portfolio for FCA authorised financial advisers to select for their retail clients. It is suitable for investors who wish to invest globally, with a preference to incorporate a focus on environmental and social factors.

If you are considering a sustainable investment solution for your client we can help you. Our experienced wealth managers can help you understand these and other ESG and socially responsible investment terms and develop a personalised investment strategy that aligns with your values and goals.

Find out more about our sustainable portfolio.