Client Interview -

Healthcare in your pocket: Medivault and their revolutionisation of healthcare

Medivault, led by CEO Mark Jackson, aims to revolutionise healthcare by providing secure, accessible medical records, empowering patients and healthcare providers with data-driven insights for better, proactive health management.


19th September 2024


Access to your medical records should be simple. Yet, people still need help with fragmented systems and outdated processes that make it difficult to retrieve vital health information when it is needed most. Medivault is determined to change that by putting secure, organised healthcare data and insights in your pocket.

Under the leadership of CEO Mark Jackson, Medivault’s goal is to revolutionise healthcare by giving patients complete control over their medical records and healthcare providers the tools they need to make optimal decisions about their patients’ care, thereby shifting Health 2.0 (intervention after a problem) to Health 3.0 (preventing problems and proactively managing health to increase longevity). In this interview, part of our editorial spotlight on inspiring innovators, entrepreneurs, and business leaders reshaping industries, we sat down with Mark to explore how Medivault tackles one of healthcare’s most pressing pain points and the technology behind this groundbreaking platform.

Revolutionising healthcare through data accessibility

With a fin-tech and health-tech background, Mark Jackson became increasingly aware of friends and family encountering very serious health complications, and even death, due to lack of access to their medical records by both themselves and their clinical teams. He became passionate about finding a solution to this. Mark’s goal was to provide both the individual and healthcare providers with consistent, accessible, and complete medical records.

The problem became acutely clear when a family member, suspected of a serious medical condition, waited months for a specialist appointment only to be turned away because their medical records never arrived. Sadly, this individual died as a result of not receiving the correct diagnosis and treatment. These experiences highlighted a major flaw: patients are left vulnerable due to the lack of access to a platform where they can manage, share and derive insights from their health data immediately.


Driven by his personal experiences, Mark used his professional expertise to help shape Medivault, a platform developed to give both individuals and healthcare providers a secure, efficient solution for managing patient records together with AI algorithms to support the shift to Health 3.0.

Initially, rather than targeting the individual user, Mark and his team of healthcare experts and technologists, are focused on a business-to-business SaaS offering that serves healthcare providers that cater to high-net-worth individuals and sports professionals – a market where frequent international travel and specialised medical needs demand seamless, immediate access to healthcare data. For these clients, having secure, accessible and complete medical records is crucial to managing complex treatments across multiple locations and ensuring their health is consistently monitored, regardless of where they are in the world. 

At launch Medivault will serve this niche market to establish a significant market presence. However, Mark's vision is to expand it over time; his long-term goal is to democratise healthcare data by making Medivault accessible to everyone by launching a business-to-consumer offering.

“Our mission is simple. We all want to live healthy, happy lives. To do this, people need to be in control of their healthcare. We have created a platform where individuals, wherever they maybe, can make informed decisions by sharing their complete medical records with their healthcare providers. Our goal is to empower people to take control of their health.”

Technology at the core: The innovations driving Medivault

Medivault stands out for its combination of cutting-edge technology and a user-centric approach.

The platform securely aggregates medical records from public and private providers, organising them in one place, ready to be accessed and shared at the user's discretion. Medivault uses AI to go beyond data storage, offering insights that enhance patient care. Machine learning algorithms analyse user health data patterns, enabling predictive risk assessments and proactive health management.

One standout feature is the visual representation of patient data. The platform offers a digital model of the human body where healthcare providers can click (or tap) on specific areas – like the arm, leg, or chest – to instantly access relevant medical records, scans, and treatment histories. This intuitive design combines the correct data with a seamless user interface, allowing clinicians to understand a patient's medical background quickly. It is not just about storing information but about making it quick and readily actionable.

“The platform is not just a storage solution,Mark notes.


“It is a tool that helps patients, as well as their care teams, make better informed decisions about their health, with predictive risk assessments and data visualisations supporting proactive care.”

Data security: Ensuring safety at every stage

Given the sensitivity of healthcare data, Medivault prioritises security. It adheres to international standards like ISO 27001, GDPR, FHIR, and HIPAA in the United States, ensuring that sensitive health information is protected.

The platform uses encryption to secure data at rest and in transit, with multi-factor authentication to safeguard access. As Mark emphasises, “We follow all the standards and ensure data is encrypted both at rest and in transit. We take data security exceedingly seriously, especially given the sensitivity of healthcare information.” These measures offer peace of mind to users and healthcare providers alike.

Impact and future vision: Medivault’s growing reach

While still in its early stages, Medivault has already been lauded by concierge health services, private clinics, and sports medicine professionals for its ability to streamline patient management and reduce clinical burnout.

We are only at the beginning of our journey,Mark says. “Our goal is to scale Medivault for mass-market use, ensuring that anyone – regardless of background – can access and control their health data.

Future developments include expanding blockchain capabilities and exploring ways to bring the platform to underserved communities through partnerships with charities focused on improving healthcare access.


Mark’s advice for aspiring entrepreneurs

As our conversation with Mark came to a close, we asked him to share his thoughts and advice for aspiring entrepreneurs, particularly those venturing into the tech space. Drawing from his journey with Medivault and his extensive experience in the industry, Mark offered several key insights:

  1. Know your strengths and fill the gaps: Understand your core skills and bring in the right team to cover areas where you lack expertise. 
    You do not have to do everything yourself; focus on what you do best and collaborate to handle the rest.
  2. Solve real problems: Focus on addressing genuine pain points rather than just creating something innovative for its own sake. 
    A solution without a problem is not a business; it is just a project.
  3. Be authentic: Build your business with a genuine purpose. 
    If you want to make a quick buck, you will not build a lasting business. Authenticity keeps your team motivated and committed.”
  4. Balance innovation with usability: Ensure your technology is both groundbreaking and user-friendly. 
    “Innovation must be practical; your solutions should make life easier for users.”
  5. Navigate the investment landscape: Tailor your approach based on the local investment climate. 
    “In regions like the UK, where investors may be more conservative, understanding and adapting to their preferences is crucial.”


As Medivault continues to revolutionise healthcare data accessibility, there is much more to explore about how this platform can empower providers and patients. To learn more about Medivault and how it can transform your healthcare experience, visit their website at Medivault's website.


Share your success story and connect with other inspiring leaders

Medivault’s story is just one example of how innovation and determination can reshape industries. If you are an entrepreneur or business leader who has gone from zero to hero, we would love to share your story too. Get in touch with your commercial or private banker to explore how we can share your journey with our unique client community.

We also believe in the power of connections. If you are interested in meeting other inspiring individuals like Mark to explore potential opportunities together, reach out to your commercial or private banker to get connected with our network of visionaries and leaders.

Further reading




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