Online Banking FAQs
Here are some FAQs to help you with online banking.
For more information about our mobile banking app, click here.
For help with payments, please see Making Payments and Payment FAQs.
Enter your User Name/Logon ID and password to log in.
An ‘Authentication’ screen will appear for you to request and enter a One-Time Passcode (OTP).
You may choose to receive your OTP by SMS or by automated telephone call, as explained below:
Can I save my password on my browser?
We recommend that you do not to save your Online Banking password to your browser. However, if you wish to do so, please ensure that you are saving the correct password. Browsers such as Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge will prompt you to save or update your password after you have entered your One-Time Passcode. Please do not accept at this stage, as this will save your One-Time Passcode and not your password.
To request your OTP by SMS
- Press 'Send Code'.
- Enter the 6-digit OTP you receive by SMS and press 'Submit'.
To request your OTP by automated telephone call
- Press 'Telephone call back'.
- Select the telephone number from those listed and press 'Call me'.
- You will receive an automated telephone call with your OTP.
- Enter your OTP and press “Submit”.
You may choose to receive your OTP by SMS or by automated telephone call when setting up or amending a payment online.
An ‘Authentication’ screen will appear in the payment process where you can select SMS text message or telephone call back:
- Enter your password as normal.
To receive your OTP by SMS press ‘Send Code’
To receive your OTP by automated telephone call:
- Press ‘Telephone call back’
- Select the telephone number from those listed
- Press ‘Call me’
- Enter the 6-digit OTP you receive by SMS and press ‘Submit’.
If you are set up to have multiple authorisers for payments, the inputter should follow steps above. They will then be prompted to forward the payment request onto other authorised users to authorise the payment.
Please note: The cut-off time to provide additional authorisation to a payment is 9pm.
Additional authorisation should be made on or before the payment due date.
An OTP is a 6-digit code that Arbuthnot Latham will send either by SMS to your registered mobile number or by an automated call back to your registered telephone number. This additional security measure is designed to reduce, to the maximum extent possible, the risk of fraudsters gaining access to your account. The OTP can only be used once, and for security reasons will only work for five minutes. No one at Arbuthnot Latham will ever ask you for your OTP, so please do not share it with anyone. You must notify us as soon as possible if you think you have been a victim of fraud or identity theft.
You will be prompted to enter an OTP when you:
- Log in to our Online Banking Services
- Make any type of payment to a new or amended domestic or international payee for the first time
- Make any type of payment to a payee not on your payee list
- Make group payments.
You will not be required to enter an OTP if the person you are paying is already included on your list of payees, you have paid them before, and no changes have been made to their details.
You may be required to enter an OTP to carry out additional actions which are not listed above.
Yes. This is so we know it is you logging in and not a fraudster. This extra security step will significantly reduce that risk.
You should receive your OTP within seconds. In exceptional circumstances it may take longer. You may need to check your network coverage and your ability to receive SMS text messages and calls with your mobile phone service provider.
The call will come from a telephone number starting 0116.
The OTP is valid for five minutes and can only be used once. If you do not enter the OTP within the time allowed, you can request a new OTP to be sent to you from the Online Banking Authentication screen.
If you enter the OTP incorrectly, you will receive a message stating that the authentication has failed. You will be given the opportunity to enter the OTP again. Please be aware that if you fail certain aspects of security during login, your account may be locked and you will need to contact us to unlock your account.
You can request another OTP to be sent to you via the Online Banking Authentication screen.
Arbuthnot Latham will not charge you. However please check the service agreement with your mobile phone service provider for any text message or call charges.
You can receive an OTP overseas if your mobile phone and SIM card allow global roaming and the country you are in operates a compatible network. Please check with your mobile phone service provider for further information about global roaming and any charges which may apply.
No, we are required to implement these additional security checks using measures such as OTPs to help protect you against fraud.
There will be no changes to how you currently use the mobile banking application.
You can download the Arbuthnot Latham Mobile app from the App Store for iPhone and from Google Play Store for Android phones. It is a requirement that you are a registered user of our online banking service before you can register for mobile banking.
You can check your registered mobile phone number from within the ‘My Profile’, ‘Personal Details’ section of your Online Banking account. It is important that your registered telephone numbers are up to date or you may not receive the OTPs or automated telephone call.
After the change comes into effect, you will be able to check all of your registered telephone numbers within Online Banking Services. In the meantime, if you would like to check or update your telephone numbers, please call our Banking Support Teams.
Please note that you will need to contact us in order to make any changes to your registered telephone numbers even after the changes comes into effect.
Yes, you can change your Logon ID to a more memorable User Name by clicking on the ‘My Profile’ tab once you are logged in to online banking and choosing the ‘Assign User Name’ from the dropdown options. Once your User Name has been changed you will need to use this instead of your Logon ID when logging on in the future.
Please note – You will not be able to use your original Logon ID if you have changed it to a User Name.
Yes, you can change your password by clicking on the ‘My Profile’ tab on the top right corner of the online banking screen, and choosing the ‘Change Password’ from the dropdown options. Please note your password must be between 8 and 12 characters and contain at least one number, one special character and a mixture of upper and lower case letters. You can only repeat a character twice in a row, and sequences cannot be longer than three characters. For instance, AAA and ABCD are not permitted.
If you are having difficulty logging in, please contact us. Please note any details you had saved locally on any previous version of online banking will need to be re-entered the first time you use our new version of online banking.
If you have entered your details incorrectly, you may have been locked out of your online banking account. Please contact us and we will be able to help you.
When prompted to enter an authentication code, you can request a new code by clicking on the ‘Request SMS code’ box onscreen.
If you still do not receive your OTP by the method you selected, please select an alternative method and request your OTP again. (i.e. If you chose to receive it by SMS, then select the telephone call option and try again).
If you still do not receive your OTP, please contact us and we will be able to help you.
Go to the ‘Other Information’ tab, click on ‘Session Summary’. This will show you your recent online activity. You will also be shown an onscreen summary of your activity before you log out.
You can change the number of accounts shown by changing the list size from the drop-down box at the bottom of the page and pressing ‘Go’. The default list size is five accounts.
Alternatively, if you have more than one entity attached to your profile, you can select the ‘My Accounts’ tab to view all the accounts/entities that are assigned to your profile. You are also able to set an entity as a default by choosing the ‘Set as Default’ option beside the required account and selecting ‘Refresh’. The account you set as your default will be the accounts shown on your home page.
If your accounts still do not appear, please contact us and we will be able to help you.
We show two different balances – the current balance and available balance. The balances point to the following:
Current Balance – the balance of your money in the account, including funds waiting to be cleared, for example cheques. It does not include any arranged overdraft in place.
Available Balance – the balance of your money in the account available to spend (excluding any cheques you have paid in and which have not yet cleared).
Some payments may be held while we perform additional checks before releasing them. If your payment is held, you will be able to see the payment in a 'pending status’, by going to the ‘Transactions & Documents’ tab, selecting ‘Transaction History’ then selecting the debiting account.
Please note while payments are pending, they will not have debited from your account balance.
You can view your full account details, sort code, account name and full account number, along with your IBAN by clicking on the three dots under the ‘Action’ tab next to your chosen account. Then select ‘View Details’ to show your account details.
We have changed the way we display our account balances to comply with applicable regulations.
Your ‘available balance’ amount does not include your arranged overdraft. It only shows how much money you actually have in your account. For example, if you have £0 in your account and an arranged overdraft of £500, your available balance will appear as £0. If you make a £100 transaction, your ‘available balance’ amount will show as negative £100 (-£100).
To be clear, the arranged overdraft you have on your account is not changing, so if you have an arranged overdraft you are still able to use it. You can view your arranged overdraft limit by selecting ‘View Details’ in your online account.
Remember, borrowing money by way of overdraft remains a form of debt and it is important you manage this accordingly.
You can view your arranged limit on your charge card by clicking on the three dots under the ‘Action’ tab next to your chosen account. Then select ‘View Details’ to see the charge card limit.
Yes, you can make an internal transfer from your current account into your charge card account. Please allow up to 30 minutes for any transfers to be fully processed and available on your charge card balance.
Please note - transfers made to your charge card account after the statement issue date will not affect the amount required to clear your charge card balance on the due date. This may result in your charge card having a credit balance at that time.
Click on ‘Transactions & Documents’ and choose ‘Transaction History’. You can then select an account to view. For more specific search results, you can click on ‘Advanced Search’ and select a date range, amount or key word. If you have more than one entity, you will need to choose the correct entity from the My Accounts screen first.
Please note – Faster Payments and Internal Transfers made on a weekend or bank holiday will show in your transactions dated as the next available business date. You may need to adjust your date range to view these transactions.
Some payments may be held while we perform additional checks before releasing them.
If your payment is held, you will not be able to see the payment in the transaction history, but it will still show under the following Tabs –
- Manage Money
- Transfer & Payment History
These will not reflect in your available balance or be debited or in your transaction history until they have been fully processed.
If you are in any doubt, please contact us and we will be able to help you. Do not rekey the item.
Once you have searched for your transactions, click on either the ‘Export Viewed’ or ‘Export All’. The transaction information can be exported in PDF, .CSV or .XLS format. This can then be printed, saved or manually imported into your accountancy package.
Click on the ‘Transactions & Documents’ tab then select ‘View Documents’. Select an account and date range for your search if required. All documents can be downloaded and printed in PDF format.
Please note –
- We are aware of an issue with the print format in some instances leading to excessive printing over several pages. This is currently under investigation.
- In order to download documents, your browser must be enabled to permanently receive pop-ups.
If you want to check that we have received your payment request, please go to the ‘Manage Money’ tab and visit the ‘Transfer & Payment History’ screen. This screen lists all payments which have successfully been submitted to us for processing.
If your payment is a future dated payment this can be found under ‘Manage Money’ tab under the ‘Standing Orders and Pending Payments’ screen.
From time to time, you might experience a delay in payments processing due to payment controls. We advise you not to rekey this payment. You can check if it has been successfully submitted via the ‘Manage Money’ tab and the ‘Transfer & Payment History’ screen.
Alternatively, please contact us.
Please contact us and we will be able to help you.
Please contact us and we will be able to help you.
Please note:
- Never use the ‘back button’ on your browser as this will end your online session.
- The system will end your session if you are inactive for five minutes, so please use the save option as you go to avoid losing any input.